Enhanced Security Schemes

The IFCC Enhanced Security Performance Product scheme has been developed to meet the requirements set out by UK police flagship initiative - Secured by Design.
Secured by Design is the official UK police flagship initiative supporting the principle of ‘designing out crime’ and focuses on crime prevention of homes and commercial premises through the use of security standards for a wide range of applications and products.
IFC Certification Ltd (IFCC) provides affordable, customer focused, independent third party certification of enhanced security products meeting the requirements of Secured by Design.
The following schemes are currently available:
- Enhanced Security Doors -Timber
- Enhanced Security Doors - Metal
- Enhanced Security Doors - Composite
- Enhanced Security Doors - UPVC
- Enhanced Security Windows and Glazing
Looking to certify your products or services ?
If you wish to make a new application for certification with us, please call us to discuss your requirements on +44 (0)1844 276920
What our clients say....
After extensive due diligence, UK Doorsets Ltd quickly realised that IFCC satisfied our complete certification requirements. Through this process, it became obvious to me that the partnership route through IFC would be most beneficial to UK Doorsets Ltd, which has proved to be that case by completing our extensive Enhanced Security scope of certification.
Enhanced Security and Third Party Certification are priority requirements for UK Doorsets Ltd and IFCC successfully & professionally made this possible."
Need some help? Contact us
IFC Certification Ltd is an independent UKAS accredited provider of high quality customer focused third party certification in support of fire safety and security.
If you can’t find exactly what you are after from our website and would like to talk to one of a highly knowledgeable team, either for advice on joining a certification scheme or to discuss any element of your current certification status, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would be delighted to hear from you.
You can call us on +44 (0)1844 276920, email us at uk.ifccinfo@kiwa.com or simply fill in our quick and easy message form and we will get back to you.