An independent UKAS accredited provider of 3rd party certification in support of fire safety and security

Applus+ Laboratories Agreement with IFC Certification

IFC Group is pleased to announce that ifc certification ltd has reached an agreement with applus+ laboratories, that will allow both parties to continue their fire safety certification services after brexit.

Settling doubts about the new UKCA mark (UK Conformity Assessed) and what it means for the sale of CE-marked products in the UK market, IFC Certification Ltd is pleased to announce that it has reached a bilateral agreement with Applus+ Laboratories.
The arrangement will allow both Certification Bodies to continue providing their Fire Safety product compliance services in the UK and EU respectively. This is important for satisfying the market demands of our clients, whose products will legally require both the CE mark and UKCA mark from 1st January 2022.
This agreement will benefit our clients as they will get both marks without having to repeat the same processes or testing (subject to technical peer review).
It is another recognition for Fire Safety testing and certification that strengthens our global standing and opens the door further to the worldwide market.

To learn more about Applus+ Laboratories please visit,

Published: 03 June 2021